Ability to set test name in advance in the "Duplicate a test" confirmation modal

When duplicating a test, we get a confirmation modal:

After confirming the action, a test is duplicate with the same title of the original test + “duplicate” word in the title.

I would find it useful if in that confirmation modal we could set the name in advance of the duplicated test.

Ideal flow:

  1. I have a test titled: “Full login flow”

  2. I try to duplicate that test

  3. The confirmation modal appears

  4. There’s now also a label “Name of duplicated test:”

  5. Under that label there’s also an input field with the original test name already prefiled: “Full login flow”

  6. I can edit the text in the input field to something differect, such as: “Negative login flow”

  7. I press “Yes”

  8. The test is duplicated

  9. The new duplicate test will have the title “Negative login flow”

  10. The original duplicated test keeps the name “Full login flow”

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In Review


💡 Feature Request


About 2 months ago



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