It would be nice to have an easy way to find/save the current webpage url to a variable without resorting to custom javascrip step.
I looked into the Built-in variables section of my project but couldn’t find something similar.
Not sure what a decent solution would be here. A built-in variable might not be the best, because the “current webpage” url is not always the same, but can change constantly.
Maybe a new Action item for the “WINDOW” section?
To give you more context into my scenario and why the assert URL address is not what I need:
I go to a webpage
I create a new entity inside the webpage, for example a new product
The url changes → it now ends in /product-123456, so it there’s now a uniquely generated id
I want to save the entire url in a variable so I can use it later in the test, so {{product_url}}= “”
I have no way in the platform to get the product id besides from the URL
In scenario above, ideally I would like to save the current webpage url in a variable after creating the product, and then use the “Go to URL” step to navigate to value of the variable.
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